Don't Sweat the Summer

Book our AC repair services in Davenport, IA

The last thing you need during a hot summer day is for your AC to break down on you. But when you turn to the pros for maintenance services, you'll never have to worry about that again. Olde Town Heating & Air offers AC repair services for homeowners and business owners in Davenport, IA. Whether you're having an issue with your current unit or are ready for an upgrade, we can do it all.

Prep for spring the right way by calling on our local AC installer. Get in touch with us now to see what else we can do for you.

Experience the power of a modern AC unit

Olde Town Heating & Air, your local AC installer in Davenport, IA, specializes in AC repair services. But we can also offer AC installation services. We know that upgrading to a modern AC unit can make your home more comfortable and save you money in the long run. A modern AC unit can also help:

Improve your home's energy efficiency
Improve your indoor air quality
Reduce your energy bills

If your HVAC issue requires more than just general AC repair services, don't hesitate to contact our AC installers today. We'll discuss your options so you can experience the benefits of a modern system for yourself.